Deepening Connection and Conscious Partnership with the Horse

After the first (yoga) session I was hooked. I have been stuck on some issues in my riding, but could not quite understand what was going on. Bryony's classes and audio CD have helped me so much, to gain awareness of my own body, and to realize how my body correlates to the horses' movements and their ability to understand what I am asking them to do. She makes it so easy to understand the 'why and how' of how our bodies are communicating (or miscommunicating!) to our horses.
The best analogy I can come up with is 'On Line for the Human.' Bryony's yoga classes shape our bodies, focus our minds, and help us understand which muscles do what and how important our breathing is in effecting our riding and communication. I would highly recommend her classes and her CD.
Chris McCord
Ocala, FL
Bryony's (yoga) instructions are very clear and her voice very soothing.
The poses are helpful in preparing my body to be more fluid and go with the flow of my horse.
Fleta Sokal, MD
Within just 3 sessions (private yoga and bodywork) Bryony had really helped me understand the exact imbalances in my body, and the two of us figured out how this was adversely impacting my riding. Bryony was a master at understanding what I needed, imparting the knowledge that would help me, and showing me just the right amount of exercises to keep me moving forward and motivated. Already I have noticed a difference and more importantly, so have the horses I ride.
Mel Hare
Ocala, FL & Moab, UT
After my first Ortho-Bionomy session with Bryony, it was easier for me to use my body correctly while riding. I didn't have to fight my body or struggle to keep my shoulders aligned over my hips (they usually want to turn to the left). It felt effortless to keep good posture in the saddle, so I was less tense and more fluid in my riding.
Ocala, FL
The day after being thrown from my horse, my left leg was so sore that I couldn't lift it and had to use my hands to move it.
That evening Bryony performed Ortho-Bionomy on me. It was so subtle, I hardly imagined one session would accomplish much. The following day I was surprised to find my leg had minimal soreness, and I could lift it without using my hands. By day two, I had absolutely no pain! I recommend Bryony's methods to anyone experiencing any type of discomfort.
She is truly gifted.
Ocala, FL
(This testimonial from a human client beautifully conveys what our horses also experience. When there is pain or dysfunction in the body, muscles can become shut off or inhibited - the body does this to avoid further damage to an injured area. Riders and trainers often misinterpret this as the horse not understanding a request, or simply being unwilling, but this is not usually the case.
I had to stop my workouts at the gym, because of pain and weakness in my muscles. After working with Bryony, I went back to the gym and could now do exercises I hadn't been able to do before, and was comfortable doing them. I was able to achieve more in the workout because I was able to access those muscles...and everything just felt easier.
Dear Bryony,
(My horse) is feeling considerably better this morning after your session yesterday. He was much more relaxed and comfortable, and I could tell just by the way he was interacting with the rest of the herd that he was feeling a lot better. Whatever it was that you did, it sure worked! Thanks again.
Ocala, FL
My horse had been stiff in his right hip, hanging that leg over jumps and having difficulty cantering. After the first session he received from Bryony, there was a big improvement in his movement; he seemed to have greater range of motion and was able to clear the jumps and canter more easily. I also noticed his attitude was improved and he was more able to focus on his work than usual.
Ocala, FL
Dear Bryony,
After your session with my horse the other day, I can now touch the right side of his neck without him getting upset! He is tracking up evenly on both sides too! I rode him in the arena today and his footsteps are now on the bend. He's not dragging his left hind toe anymore either. Thank you again!
Ocala, FL
Hi Bryony - I've been meaning to call you every time I get on my horse and enjoy the fact that he's moving so well and feeling great, none of the usual fights... Today I was riding with a friend and she commented that he looks really good, has a bounce in his step, is stepping evenly and is really forward! I told her that ever since you've been working with him he's been great. Thank you so much! I am so pleased and am spreading the word!
Dear Bryony,
I just wanted to let you know that I noticed my horse carrying himself better after you worked on him.
He actually had good posture on his own! Thank you!!!
Ocala, FL
Our Fresian gelding has had uneven hips for about a year now. After Bryony worked on him I noticed his hips were much more even. I could really notice it when he walked. I was amazed at how such a short session with Bryony (it was maybe half and hour - he has a shorter attention span) could produce such a dramatic result. He seemed much more willing under saddle as well. Bryony is so great about educating us as well and giving us things to work on with him on our own.
Nancy S.
Ocala, FL