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Bodywork for Equestrians

Caralee & Lily jumping_edited.jpg

photo credit Caralee Gould

Experience greater ease in your body and be a better partner for your horse.


Our horses sense and respond to subtle patterns in our bodies and minds, often mirroring what they perceive in us - whether we're relating with them from the ground or in the saddle.  These subtle patterns are often at the root of misunderstandings, mixed signals, confusion for our horses or frustration for us as we struggle to overcome them.  Regularly scheduled bodywork keeps our bodies in better balance - reducing tension, pain, and restrictive postural patterns while improving alignment and functioning - making it easier to use our bodies effectively in communicating with our horses.



In person sessions with Bryony are conducted at

ReQuest Physical Therapy

4820 Newberry Road

Gainesville, FL 32607

Call ReQuest at 352.373.2116 to schedule with Bryony


To learn about the modalities Bryony offers, click here and use the drop down menu under Bodywork.

For information on Remote Healing sessions, please click here:

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